
Formulation and Evaluation of ABioadhesive Patch For Buccal Delivery Of Bisoprolol Fumarate

 Raksha Laxman Mhetre, Ghanshyam Sakhare, Vishal Bhanudas Hol,Mirza Wajid Baig, Dr. Prabhakar

Buccal delivery of drugs provides an attractive alternate to other conventional methods of systemic drug administration, since buccal mucosa is relatively permeable with rich blood supply and acts as an excellent site for the absorption of drugs. BisoprololFumarate is acid labile drug and its half-life 10hrs.Hence In the present work, the main aim was to develop unidirectional buccal patches of Bisoprololfumarateto avoid degradation of drug in GIT and there by improve the patient compliance and also to reduce the frequency of administration.

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